Thursday, November 8, 2007

Monday's Storm

Monday night we had a series of storms blow through Nashville. Our house is located in the center of the path where the weather service was noting upper air rotation and calling for tornado warnings. The storm woke Christopher up from a late nap and he asked me "Daddy, what's wrong with the house?" I told him the house was okay, that there was a big storm outside. We ended up spending about 15 minutes huddled in the bathroom as a family and about 2 and 1/2 hours without electricity. That's the thing about storms, they can cause damage. They can reveal unseen flaws and disease. A tree that is weak or dying can be toppled or broken in a storm. We had a tree that came down last year in a storm, it looked perfectly healthy with lots of green leaves but once it was down you could see the decay and rot in the center. We hear lots of news reports about the damage created by the storms and may fail to recognize how much went undamaged. More trees survived than were toppled. All those leaves that I was going to have to rake in the upcoming days.....many of them are a 1/2 mile or more away by now. :-) The point is, we all encounter storms in life, how we respond to the storms can be very revealing. Do we break like the tree with decay in the middle, are we a healthy tree that gets toppled over or do we stand strong?

In Him,


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