Thursday, November 1, 2007

Am I judgemental

In my last post I wrote that I am not my job but how often do we judge the person by what they do? When we first meet someone usually within the first 30 seconds of the conversation we will ask them "so, what do you do?" We form an opinion of that person based on that answer. We think we know something about their intellect, financial status, etc based on their occupation. "You're a doctor? Wow!""You dig graves for a living? I need to go call the sitter and check on the kids." How can I be so hypocritical to say that I am not my job and yet base my opinion of someone on what they do?

Sam Walton used to go to town in a beat-up old pick-up truck and wearing overalls. Here was one of the richest men in America dressing like a common man. How often do I judge a person by what they wear? How often do I judge them by how they look? If you are overweight people think you are lazy. If you are taller than most, they are inclined to think you possess leadership qualities.

We are judged by the size of our house, how neat the house is, what car we drive, where our kids go to school.......... No wonder we have depression in this country! Who can keep up? Maybe its time I got out of the business of judging and got to the business of loving. If I begin to show unconditional love to everyone I meet then people will begin to see not me, but Christ. I've got a lot of internal house cleaning to do!

Maybe I should begin to answer the question "what do you do?" with something like "I love God, I try to follow his commands. I love my wife and kids and am attempting to be a better example every day." If I start with that then it won't really matter what the occupation of the other person is.

"Father, give me the eyes to see people, not as I have always looked at them but the way that you see them. Help me to value them as you value them."

In Him,


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