Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thanks Lamar

What is the opposite of holy?

Think about it............

If you say unholy then you are just where I was 24 hours ago, till a class on Leviticus last night. I think unholy, I think Satan, evil and all that stuff but lets ask the question again, "what is the opposite of holy?" Look what God says to Aaron and the priests in Leviticus 10: 10 "You must distinguish between the holy and the common". That was a wow moment for me. The opposite of holy is common.

How many times have I tried to fit in, not cause a stir or blatantly exhibit my Christianity? How many times have I been satisfied in being common? 6 times in the New Testament we are called to be a holy people and yet I still try to be common. I can fit in and common myself straight to the firey pit if I am not careful. I think this is Satan's most powerful deception yet. I must choose to be uncommon, I must choose to be Holy.

In Him,


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow! What a great post! Thanks for bringing that to my attention to be more holy than common. I've always thought Lamar was very wise.