Wednesday, January 9, 2008

God Tube

I was getting ready for work this morning and flipped on the tv so that I could see the local weather report. On the CBS Morning show they were doing an interview with the creator of the website God Tube. I whole heartedly support a video site where we don't have to worry about kids running across adult themed videos or links to adult sites. With that said, while he had a very positive interview, what he said near the end troubled me. I wrote it down so that I would not misquote him. The founder of God Tube said this, "instead of going to church, a person can go online. Its Christianity on demand."

"Christianity on demand", it seems that we all want a God on demand, where we want him, when we want him, doing what we want him to do. "Instead of going to church a person can go online", isn't that the problem today? People want to find love behind the anonymity of a computer screen. Rather than face to face interaction they blog, text, IM and e-mail. Now, rather than go to church, we can go to the web..... electronic fellowship?

I'm sorry, I need to meet God on his terms not mine. I need the fellowship I get when meeting with fellow Christians. I need the discussion and teaching when we open the book together. I need to get out of my house at times and go in search of God. I need to meet him in prayer, in study, in fellowhip and at times online but I do not need to substitute the online experience for other ways of experiencing God.

I hope to see you tonight at the fellowship dinner and at the study hour.

In Him,


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