Monday, January 7, 2008


Raising two boys has me thinking a lot about being a father, a provider, a role model. It has also caused me to wonder what kind of father Jesus had? I think Jesus had a very good father. In my image of Joseph he provided for his family, taught Jesus his trade, made sure that they were all at the synagogue at the appropriate times and honored all the feasts and sacrifices. I believe that just as God chose Mary to be the mother of Christ, he chose Joseph to be the father. God had all of history and all of mankind to choose from and He chose these two people to raise His Son, I believe that speaks well for Joseph. It also sets a high benchmark for me to emulate.

I want my sons to love God and serve Him. I want them to respect their parents and those in authority. I want them to have good marriages, wonderful children and be good providers and role models for their families. I want them to be happy and to have them long lives. I want them to have a father like Jesus had.

In Him,


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