Tuesday, January 8, 2008


My last entry on Joseph created such stimulating conversation (okay, I did say that I was writing this for myself in my initial post...trying to be funny) I thought I would continue on this train of thought a little while longer. For kids the devil is pictured as having horns, tail, red skin and carrying a pitchfork. Classical art does not depict him much better, this sinister, snarling, creature and while the Bible describes him as a roaming lion seeking those he can devour, I don't think any of these adequately portray the deceiver.

How would such an ugly creature be able to lure an army of angels to follow him? No, I see the deceiver as a beautiful, strong creature, seeking only to glorify himself. Now the ugliness of his actions are worse than even the classical artist portrayed. If I saw such an ugly creature coming, I would surely flee from him. No, the deceiver comes as a beautiful woman saying what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. He comes in a bottle that says that he can make the pain go away for a little while, only to be made worse when the numbness of the pills or alcohol wear off. He comes as the promise of a better life if only we had more money, a bigger house and more stuff. He comes saying success is measured by what we achieve regardless of the toll it takes on our family. He comes saying it is the quality of time, not the quantity of time that matters. He comes saying you're a good person, surely God would not condemn you. How could a loving God condemn anyone to hell. He comes saying take care of your family and have your fun..go hunting, fishing, skiing; you will have time for church later.

I wish I could see Satan like the artists portray him. I wish all temptation came to me with a guy in a red suit, with horns and a pitchfork. I wish I could always recognize the subtle ways Satan is trying to deceive me. Instead I have to be on guard, ready for the spiritual battles that are surely to come my way. I hope I am strong enough for the attacks. I hope you will forgive me when I am not. I hope you will love me regardless. I hope I will respond in the same manner to you.

In Him,


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