Monday, January 28, 2008

Raising Boys

Janelle is working part-time during tax season as a tax preparer, leaving me to take care of the boys on many evenings and on weekends. I love spending time with the boys and had a great time with them this weekend. The thing with Christopher is finding the balance, discipline without breaking spirits. I don't think I have ever come close to doing that, but I often remind myself to discipline without breaking his spirit. He's two and he likes to run and push and jump and wrestle which are all natural activities for a young boy to do. I just need to guide him towards when it is appropriate and when it is not. Twice this weekend he played with older boys, lots of running and lots of pushing, which is great because he held his own. The bad part was he was playing where lots of other children were playing and he would get excited and could not distinguish between who was playing his game and who was not. We'll keep working on that. The best part about all that running and jumping was that he went to bed well on Friday and on Saturday and took a 2 and 1/2 hour nap on Sunday. That gave Jacob and me over an hour on Sunday for just the two of us to play....big fun.

We are having a warm snap so the boys are able to go out and play some. We had a great time int the backyard yesterday for about an hour, till we had to go in and eat and get ready for church. Christopher went up on the stage for the first time last night and sang with the other children. I was told he behaved very well, which of course makes me proud. I missed it as I was donating blood in the Family Life Center. It did not take me long to donate but while I was there 2 people passed out (one guy twice) and for the Red Cross people it was all hands on deck tending to them....leaving the rest of us stuck on the tables for quite some time. No matter, it was for a good cause.

Have a great week,


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