Friday, December 21, 2007

Great Expectations

I wrote in my last post that I have certain expectations when it comes to Christmas, what I did not write is that these expectations are based on my experiences in the past. The kind of Christmas that I had as a child has shaped what I expect Christmas to be as an adult. Unfortunately many of us approach religion in the same manner. Our previous experiences shape what we expect out of a church. Sadly many do not take the time to honestly look for themselves at what the Bible says of what the Church should be.

It is amazing to me in this age of high speed internet, cars, planes, satellite communications, etc.; that the most influential person in the world is a poor carpenter's son who died nearly 2000 years ago. He did not have a tv show, hardly traveled compared to what we do today and yet the world recognizes him both in this holiday season and in how we measure the passing of time.

I want to use the upcoming year to get to know this carpenter's son better. To better understand what the church should be and my role in it. To be the husband, father and role model that I should be.

Happy Holidays, In Him.........


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