Monday, June 30, 2008

Black and White

Recently I heard a story about a school system where the teachers were not "marking" papers in math class. They did not want to damage the kids creativity, therefor in that system 2+2 can =5. With NASA planning a manned trip to Mars, I wonder if these educators would be comfortable volunteering to fly on that mission if their former students were the engineers on that project? Would they want to stay in a hi-rise if their former students with the architects? I for one want to make certain that those professionals follow the standards. There is black and white, there is right and wrong, there is truth and lies. It is time we stand up for what is right.

In Him,


1 comment:

Rachel said...

AMEN!!! I totally agree with that. I see in our job that even though kids may fail multiple classes they are still advanced to the next grade and the only thing we can figure as to why is b/c they don't want to have to deal with them another yr. America will be scary in several years when these students are running our country.