Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Busy Weekend

This weekend was incredibly busy. On Friday we left Nashville early in order to take my mother out to dinner for her birthday. Her birthday was Saturday but we needed to have the family dinner on Friday as there was a surprise party for another friend's birthday on Saturday (his 50th).

On Saturday I received a call from Andy informing me that his father had just passed away. We had spoken Friday night and new that the end was near but no one expected it as quickly as it came. So I quickly got a shower and shaved and headed down to Cleveland, TN for a few hours with that family. Got back in Maryville just as my family was heading out the door to go to the birthday party.

We ended up staying an extra night in Maryville on Sunday night rather than driving back to Nashville Sunday afternoon and to Cleveland and back on Monday. That gave mom extra time with the boys which I think all enjoyed. It also gave Janelle and I a chance to sit through a worship service on Sunday evening with no boys to take care of as they had classes for both age groups. What a nice treat.

Monday was a day of surprises. Learned many new things. 1. My friend is a 9th generation decendant of Bach. 2. His father had both been a judge and a clerk as well as an attorney. 3. The family of God is like a spider web....we had more connections with people at the funeral than we could have imagined, which is very cool. 4. His father chose cremation so that he could burn up the cancer that consumed him and it would "not bother anyone again."

And the ever present reminder, while death may have won a temporary victory Reginald Hyberger and all those that die in Christ win the ultimate victory. May we all continue to run our race knowing that the victory has been won.

In Him,


1 comment:

Stephanie said...

David - it was great to see you on Monday although I wish it was under better circumstances. In regard to cremation, I have also hear in situations similar to this, the deceased requests cremation to completely destroy the cancer.

As I said, we will be in Nash-vegas on Saturday and I'm sure we'll be grabbing lunch on the way home. It may be a late lunch but we'd love to visit with you and Janelle again. Send me an e-mail and let me know if that's okay. Also let me know what your cell number is and we'll call and see how things look for you all.