Monday, May 5, 2008

Thoughts on the Men's Retreat

This weekend I attended a men's retreat with several others from our congregation. Clarence Daily, who has spent 68 years in ministry was the main speaker. While listening to Brother Clarence I was reminded about the story of the Apostle John in his latter years. When John spoke it is said his message would be a simple "My little children, love each other". While Clarence spoke I kept thinking of John and that same message. How blessed we were to hear it emphasized again from someone we all love and respect.

With the theme "Who's gonna fill their shoes?" my mind first goes to my own life. Having lost my father while I was a young man, I hope I have done all right at trying to fill his shoes. I hope that people who knew him will see him in my life and that is my hope for my boys. I hope that I am the proper example that I can train them to fill my shoes, not so that I can be praised as a great father but that they can reflect the glory of the Father.

The other thought that I had was when Jesus was told to keep his disciples quiet his reply that even if they were silent then the rocks and hills would cry out (please excuse me for taking it out of context). If we don't train our children to fill our shoes, to do what they should, then God will raise up children that will. If we don't step up and fill the shoes of the giants of faith that went before us, God will raise up leaders that will.

I am confident that the church will go on.... I need to make sure that I am part of that by doing my part.

In Him,


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