Friday, May 9, 2008


I enjoy getting out from time to time to geocache. I have seen parts of Nashville and other cities that I would not have known about if it were not for this game. If you don't know about geocaching, it is a high-tech treasure hunt using a gps unit. Go to to learn more or to sign up for free.

To participate in geocaching you need a gps unit (your guide), coordinates of the cache that you will be seeking and it helps to know where you are. The gps unit will lead you to the coordinates and then it is up to you to find the hidden treasure. Easy enough, as long as those satellites are in the sky that allow gps units to know where they are. If they aren't there, then there is no game.

Our spiritual walk is similar to geocaching. We have the Spirit to guide us and the word to give us the "coordinates" for the treasure that we seek. We can constantly know where we are if we bother to check our guides.... but if there is no power in heaven, then there is no need to participate. It is the unseen power of the Father that allows us to continue and it is his love and mercy that gives us hope. Good luck on your treasure hunt.

In Him,


1 comment: said...

Actually its not 100% necessary to have your own GPS unit. If you are good with a map and compas, and can remember where you've been, you can accomplish it with google maps :)