Thursday, March 13, 2008

Jubilee or Jaded

What if we still observed a year of Jubilee? What if every 7 years we forgave the debts of others and they forgave ours? What if we left a portion of our fields and the fruit that we dropped behind for the poor to gather? What if I looked at the homeless, the beggar and saw a man rather than a nuisance? What if I gladly gave of my first fruits to the Lord with joy? What if the church took care of the widows and the orphans? What if I let it begin with me?

This Christianity thing is not easy but then again we are called to be holy not common. I live in the most affluent society the world has ever known. We have two cars, a home and food on the table. Can I be happy with that? We have brothers and sisters around the world struggling to survive, can I ignore that? I must provide for my family but I cannot let that "providing" become an egocentric exercise in keeping up with others for appearance sake.

In Him,


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