Monday, April 21, 2008

Plans and reality

I had planned on planting a garden this weekend to help us save on the food costs. Yes, I am the same guy who as a teenager swore I would never have a garden once I grew up after toiling many a hot summer's day in "my father's" garden. Yet here I am planning on purpose to plant a garden of my own. Sad thing is, the more I think about it, the bigger it gets in my mind.

Anyhow that was the plan. Reality is that on Thursday I guess the pollen got the best of me and I ended up sick Friday on throughout the weekend. I still don't have much of a voice but am able to return to work.

As a young man I planned on getting married around 26-30, starting a family, having lots of money and no worries. Reality is that I was over 40 when I married, have two wonderful children, not so much money and worry more than I should.

In my plans my kids would get to spend lots of time with their grandparents, get spoiled by them, etc. Reality is that my father died 13 years before I married. Only one of his grandchildren (my brother's oldest daughter) got to spend any time with him and by that time his body was robbed of it vitality by both chemo and the effects of a brain tumor.

I can plan for the future, my retirement, kid's college, etc. but that does not mean that any of it will come to pass (but is wise to prepare as if it will). I can live for today and be a good husband, father, example and enjoy all that God has blessed me with and choose to be happy.

In Him,


1 comment:

Matthew said...

Love the VOLS too.